
1465 27th Avenue
Columbus, NE
Phone: 402-563-4944


    CASA Connection is the local Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. We recruit, screen, train, and supervise community volunteers to advocate in the best interests of abused and neglected children in the legal system

    What do CASA volunteers do?

    CASA volunteers are ordinary citizens who are committed to the concept that every child has the right to a safe and permanent home.

    After undergoing a certified training course, volunteers are assigned by the juvenile court judge to a child or string of siblings who have been removed from their home and placed into the foster care system due to abuse and/or neglect.

    Volunteers’ duties include but are not limited to

      • Getting to know individual children
      • Talking to parents and family
      • Attending court hearings, when possible
      • Interacting with attorneys
      • Meeting with social workers
      • Reviewing records
      • Talking with teachers and others involved in the child’s case

    After exploring the history of an individual child, a CASA volunteer makes recommendations to the judge regarding the child’s best interests. Unlike other players in the judicial process, CASA volunteers remain assigned to a child for the life of a case. Sometimes, CASA volunteers are the only consistent adult presence in a child’s life during a very confusing and tumultuous time in their lives.

    To learn more about the CASA program, please visit



    2610 14th Street
    Columbus, NE 68601


    8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Monday – Friday