Election Commission


Eryn Roberts
Office: 402-563-4908
Fax: 402-564-7733
1464 26th Avenue
Columbus, NE 68601

Office Hours
Monday — Friday
8:00 — 5:00


    Mission Statement

    To conduct elections fairly, impartially, and legally and to maintain the voter registration and election records for present and future use.

    Nebraska Voter Information Lookup

    Official ballot drop box located at the end of the North Courthouse drive-through.

    Political Party Information

    The following political parties are recognized under Nebraska law:

      • Republican
      • Democratic
      • Libertarian
      • Legalize Marijuana NOW
      • Nonpartisan
      • Coming soon to Nebraska! “No labels”

    Local Party Chairperson

    • Republican:  Jason Beiermann 402-910-2398
    • Democratic: Thomas E. Havelka 402-276-6601
    • Libertarian:  Joshua W. Bates 402-942-4740
    • Legal Marijuana NOW: Mark Elworth Jr. 402-812-1600

    Platte County Election Board

    Needed: Platte County Poll Workers

    We are always looking for new poll workers. Personal circumstances of current poll workers or Election Office procedures may create the need for new poll workers.

    Poll Worker Requirements (§32-221)

    • Be a registered voter of Platte County
    • Be able to read and write the English language
    • Have good eyesight and hearing
    • Be able to sit or stand (as needed) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    • Be able to follow instructions and write legibly
    • Attend a training session prior to each election
    • Be able to lift up to 40 pounds (inspectors)

    How to Apply for an Election Board Position

    2024 Election Dates

    • General Election: Nov. 5, 2024


    Training sessions will be provided before each scheduled election. Attendance is strongly encouraged.


    • Election clerks and judges are paid a minimum wage of $12.00 per hour.
    • Inspectors are paid $12.75 per hour + mileage for picking up and returning election supplies and will receive the current IRS mileage rate at the time of the election.
    • A training session is held before each primary, general, or special election. This would be one to two weeks before the election date and would last about 1.5 to 2 hours. Poll workers will be given a manual and paid a set rate of $25.00 for the training if they work on election day.

    Election Hours

    Workers will need to be report to the polls by 7:00 a.m. They will be able to leave as soon as the work is finished after the polls close at 8:00 p.m.

    Appointment Period

    Election board workers are appointed every two years by the Platte County election commissioner to serve at the 27 Platte County precincts on election day. You must be a Platte County registered voter and able to work on election day from 7:00 a.m. to approximately 8:00 – 8:30 p.m. This appointment is for a two-year term, and workers would be expected to work at every election in that term. If an emergency arises and a worker is not able to work, they will need to call the Platte County Election Office at 402-563-4908 to be replaced.

    Employer Time Off for Working on Election Board (§32-241)

    No employer shall subject an employee serving as a judge, clerk, or inspector of election to coercion, discharge from employment, loss of pay, loss of overtime pay, loss of sick leave, loss of vacation time, the threat of any such action, or any other form of penalty as a result of his or her absence from employment due to such service on the election board appointment. The employer may reduce the pay of an employee for each hour of work missed by an amount equal to the hourly compensation paid by the county for election board service. The Election Office will provide a letter for employers as proof of hours worked upon request.



    2610 14th Street
    Columbus, NE 68601


    8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Monday – Friday