Board of Supervisors



Platte County Courthouse
Board Room
First floor, west side of the lobby


    The primary responsibilities of the County Board of Supervisors are the management of county funds; care for county property; adoption of the county budget; setting of tax levies and salaries of elected and appointed county officials; and administration of several programs established by state law.

    About Platte County Supervisors
    1. Where is the Platte County Board of Supervisors office located?
      The Platte County Board of Supervisors room is located in the Platte County Courthouse, on the first floor by the Treasurer’s Office, Columbus, NE 68601. You can also contact the County Clerk’s Office by phone at 402-563-4904 by fax at 402-564-4164.
    2. How many supervisors are on the Platte County Board of Supervisors?
      Platte County has seven supervisors with each one representing a different district in the county.
    3. How long does each Platte County supervisor serve?
      County supervisors serve four-year terms. Supervisors may serve as many terms as they wish. The supervisors’ terms are staggered: four supervisors are elected in one election year, and the other three supervisors are then elected in the second year.
    4. Are Platte County supervisors elected or appointed?
      A supervisor must be a resident of the district they are elected to represent. If they should move away from their district during their term, they must resign their seat on the county board. The supervisors are also allowed a mileage expense when conducting county business away from their home.
    5. How often do the county supervisors meet?
      By law, the county board is required to meet only once a year to reorganize, which is on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January. The Platte County Board of Supervisors chooses to conduct its meetings every other Tuesday. These meetings begin at 9:00 a.m.
    6. Are the county board meetings televised on the local access channel?
      No, however the minutes of every meeting are published in two designated county newspapers and the county website. For 2024, they are The Columbus Telegram and the Humphrey Democrat.
    7. Can the public attend county board meetings?
    8. How can I find out what is on the agenda for a board meeting?
      This website has the meeting agenda and minutes of previous meetings.

    Board of Supervisors

    Board of Supervisors

    September 10, 2024

    Board of Supervisors and Board of Equalization

    September 24, 2024


    Please click below for agendas

    Platte County Agendas


    Standing Committees for the Year Beginning January 2024

    Road-Bridge, Weed & Drainage, Flood Committee
    Ron Pfeifer – Chair
    Bob Lloyd
    John Harms

    General, Sheriff, Emergency Mgt, General Assistance (Burial/Poor), Judiciary & Jail Committee
    Bob Lloyd – Chairman
    Jerry Engdahl
    John Harms

    Building & Grounds Committee
    Jerry Engdahl – Chair
    Jerry Micek
    Kim Kwapnioski

    Finance Committee
    Gene Trouba – Chair
    Jerry Micek
    Ron Pfeifer

    Personnel Committee
    Kim Kwapnioski – Chair
    Ron Pfeifer
    Jerry Micek

    City/County/Ag Society Committee
    Gene Trouba – Chair
    Jerry Engdahl
    John Harms

    2023 Board of Supervisor Contacts



    2610 14th Street
    Columbus, NE 68601


    8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Monday – Friday